Chérubin: Overture

Massenet: Cherubin

  • 01.01.2006
  • 3.3K Streams
  • 6 min 38 sec

More from Chérubin: Overture

Chérubin: Overture


  • 3,322
  • 6:38

Cherubin, Act I: Servantes, bonnes et lingeres (the Philosopher, Servants, Maids)


  • 1,946
  • 3:48

Cherubin, Act I: Vive Cherubin! Ma parole (the Duke, the Count, the Baron, the Philosopher, Nina)


  • 1,620
  • 2:32

Cherubin, Act I: Il est charmant (Nina, the Philosopher)


  • 1,664
  • 2:26

Cherubin, Act I: Apeuree Mon tuteur! (Nina, the Duke, the Baron, the Philosopher)


  • 1,367
  • 1:23

Cherubin, Act I: Je suis gris! (Cherubin, the Duke, the Baron, the Philosopher)


  • 2,430
  • 3:53

Cherubin, Act I: Accourez voir, don Sanche! (the Philosopher, Cherubin, the Countess, the Baroness, Nina)


  • 1,396
  • 3:06

Cherubin, Act I: Bravo! Bravo! (Pastorale Fete, Cherubin, the Duke, the Baron, the Philosopher)


  • 1,242
  • 5:21

Cherubin, Act I: A cette joie, a ce printemps (the Philosopher, Cherubin)


  • 1,116
  • 5:16

Cherubin, Act I: Ou Cherubin se cache-t-il, le savez-vous? (the Count, the Philosopher, the Countess, Nina)


  • 1,225
  • 2:14

Cherubin, Act I: Lorsque vous n'aurez rien a faire (Nina, the Count, the Countess, the Philosopher)


  • 4,321
  • 4:39

Cherubin, Act I: Philosophe! (Cherubin, the Philosopher)


  • 1,040
  • 1:44

Cherubin, Act II: Entr'acte-manola


  • 2,619
  • 2:11

Cherubin, Act II: Une chambre! (Travellers, Servants, Maids, the Innkeeper, the Countess, the Baroness, the Count, the Baron, the Duke)


  • 1,326
  • 5:29

Cherubin, Act II: Le vin rend gai, l'amour ren tou (Captain Ricardo, Manolas, Officers, the Countess, the Innkeeper, the Baroness, One Girl, the Other Girls, the Very Big Officer)


  • 1,537
  • 3:20

Cherubin, Act II: Ne mettez pas flamberge au vent (Cherubin, Ricardo, Manolas, Ensoleillad, the Very Big Officer)


  • 1,278
  • 3:34

Cherubin, Act II: J'ai peur! (Ensoleillad, Ricardo, Cherubin, Manolas, the Philosopher, the Innkeeper, Officers)


  • 1,290
  • 4:25

Cherubin, Act II: Ah! Buvons pour que la joie (Ensoleillad, Cherubin, Ricardo, Manolas, Officers)


  • 1,350
  • 3:20

Cherubin, Act II: Madame, en votre appartement (Innkeeper, Cherubin, Ricardo, Manolas, Ofiicers, Ensoleillad, the Philosopher)


  • 1,125
  • 4:02

Cherubin, Act II: Une femme! Ce mot me rend tout attendri … (Cherubin, the Philosopher)


  • 0
  • 2:44

Cherubin, Act II: Eh bien? … (the Count, the Duke, the Baron, Cherubin, Ensoleillad)


  • 0
  • 5:45

Cherubin, Act II: Du bruit, descends (Ensoleillad, the Countess, Cherubin, the Baroness, the Baron, the Duke, the Count, the Innkeeper, the Philosopher, Servants, Travellers)


  • 1,153
  • 3:22

Cherubin, Act III: Entr'acte


  • 0
  • 2:52

Cherubin, Act III: Cherubin! Un momen! (the Philosopher, Cherubin)


  • 0
  • 3:37

Cherubin, Act III: Que ta mort serait abominable! (the Philosopher, Cherubin, the Innkeeper, the Baroness, the Countess, the Baron, the Count, the Duke)


  • 0
  • 4:31

Cherubin, Act III: Vive amour qui reve (Ensoleillad Voice, Cherubin, the Crowd)


  • 2,913
  • 3:56

Cherubin, Act III: Par pitte! Ne pars par! (Cherubin, Ensoleillad, the Duke, the Crowd, the Philosopher)


  • 0
  • 5:44

Cherubin, Act III: Nina! Cherubin! (Cherubin, Nina, the Duke, Ricardo, the Philosopher)


  • 1,282
  • 9:32

Cherubin, Act II: Qui parle dans la nuit confuse?


  • 0
  • 7:50

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