- 31.05.2023
- 0 Streams
- 3 min 53 sec
May 21, 2024 - Mar 28, 2022
Ayatake Ezaki - Musician, born in 1992 in Fukuoka City, Japan. Studied piano at age 4 and composition at age 7. Graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts, Faculty of Music. He received his master's degree from the University of Tokyo. In addition to playing keyboards in WONK and millennium parade, he has recorded and produced works for King Gnu, Vaundy, Kenshi Yonezu, and many other artists. He has also composed music for the movie "Homunculus" (2021) and other theatrical productions, and continues to work freely across a variety of fields, such as running a music label and participating in art education. 音楽家。1992年、福岡市生まれ。 4歳からピアノを、7歳から作曲を学ぶ。東京藝術大学音楽学部卒業。東京大学大学院修士課程修了。 WONK, millennium parade でキーボードを務めるほか、 King Gnu, Vaundy, Kenshi Yonezuなど数多くのアーティスト作品にレコーディング、プロデュースで参加。映画『ホムンクルス』(2021)をはじめ劇伴音楽も手掛けるほか、音楽レーベルの主宰、芸術教育への参加など、さまざまな領域を自由に横断しながら活動を続ける。