The Lacs are a country rap duo consisting of Clay "Uncle Snap" Sharpe and Brian "Rooster" King. Hailing from Baxley, Georgia, they blend elements of Southern rock, hip hop, and country music, creating a unique sound that resonates with fans across genres. With a string of albums and hit singles, The Lacs have built a dedicated fanbase and are known for their energetic live performances and honest, down-to-earth lyrics that reflect their rural upbringing and love for the outdoors.
In early 2017, The LACs launched their independent label, Dirt Rock Empire. Their first album released on their newly founded label, included the smashing singles "Redneck Rockstar", "Willie Nelson" amongst many other successful fan favorites from their albums 'Dirt Rock' and 'Rise and Shine.' Over the last three years The LACs have been releasing singles and are set to release a new album this Fall.
Recently The LACs have earner 3 RIAA Gold Certified singles for their hits "Dirt Road Dollars", "Kickin' Up Mud", and "Country Boys Paradise." In addition they recently earned a fourth Gold Record on "Way of Life" with Cypress Spring, also featuring Danny Boone.