32yr Old Rap Artist. Born in Dallas, TX on April 1st, 1992. Raised in Laingsburg & Lansing, MI #517 Living in Albuquerque, NM #505
Michael Anthony Oliva aka M.O.Music is a very Talented & Hardworking Independent Artist, He's overcame so much in his young life!! From his Father committing suicide in front of him and his Mother at the Age of 3, to him Overdosing off of Xanax & Liquor, almost losing his life at the Age of 24. He uses his Music as a Outlet to help Him cope with everything he's been through as well as to help lead by example to all his fellow Addicts/Alcoholics. He hopes to reach at least One person with an Addiction and help give them the strength and hope that they need to see that there is more to life than Drugs or Alcohol, you can hear all of these powerful emotions in his Music. No Cap In His Rap!!!!
**Booking Inquiries: m.o.music1992@gmail.com
**YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/MOMusicOfficial
IG: @mobthagang111
Facebook: M.O.Music1992