Falun (3 dedinske sceny, 3 Village Scenes), BB 87b: No. 3. Tanec mladencov (Legenytanc, Lads' Dance)

B. Bartók: Choral Works

  • 01.11.2014
  • 2.3K Streams
  • 2 min 52 sec

More from Falun (3 dedinske sceny, 3 Village Scenes), BB 87b: No. 3. Tanec mladencov (Legenytanc, Lads' Dance)

4 Old Hungarian Folksongs, BB 60 (1910 version): No. 1. Reg megmondtam bus gerlice (Long ago I told you)


  • 3,956
  • 1:34

4 Old Hungarian Folksongs, BB 60 (1910 version): No. 2. Jaj Istenem! kire varok (O God, why am I waiting?)


  • 2,632
  • 0:36

4 Old Hungarian Folksongs, BB 60 (1910 version): No. 3. Angyomasszony kertje (In my sister-in-law's garden)


  • 2,469
  • 0:52

4 Old Hungarian Folksongs, BB 60 (1910 version): No. 4. Bereslegeny, jol megrakd a szekeret (Farmboy, load the cart well)


  • 2,399
  • 1:00

Hungarian Folksongs, BB 99: No. 1. A rab (The Prisoner)


  • 1,564
  • 2:52

Hungarian Folksongs, BB 99: No. 2. A bujdoso (The wanderer)


  • 1,256
  • 4:28

Hungarian Folksongs, BB 99: No. 3. Az elado lany (Finding a Husband)


  • 1,080
  • 1:34

Hungarian Folksongs, BB 99: No. 4. Dal (Love song)


  • 0
  • 2:53

Falun (3 dedinske sceny, 3 Village Scenes), BB 87b: No. 1. Svatba (Lakodalom, Wedding)


  • 1,918
  • 4:00

Falun (3 dedinske sceny, 3 Village Scenes), BB 87b: No. 2. Ukoliebava (Bolcsodal, Lullaby)


  • 1,499
  • 4:53

Falun (3 dedinske sceny, 3 Village Scenes), BB 87b: No. 3. Tanec mladencov (Legenytanc, Lads' Dance)


  • 2,296
  • 2:52

Szekely Folksongs, BB 106: No. 1. Hej, de sokszor megbantottal (How often I've grieved for you)


  • 1,112
  • 4:57

Szekely Folksongs, BB 106: No. 2. Istenem, eletem (My God, my life)


  • 0
  • 2:00

Szekely Folksongs, BB 106: No. 3. Vekony cerna, kemeny mag (Slender thread, hard seed)


  • 0
  • 1:02

Szekely Folksongs, BB 106: No. 4. Kilyenfalvi kozeptizbe (Girls are gathering in Kilyenfalva)


  • 0
  • 0:52

Szekely Folksongs, BB 106: No. 5. Vekony cerna, kemeny mag (Slender thread, hard seed)


  • 0
  • 0:29

Szekely Folksongs, BB 106: No. 6. Jarjad pap a tancot (Do a dance, priest)


  • 0
  • 1:21

Elmult idokbol (From Olden Times), BB 112: No. 1. Nincs boldogtalanabb (No-one's more unhappy than the peasant)


  • 0
  • 6:38

Elmult idokbol (From Olden Times), BB 112: No. 2. Egy, ketto, harom, negy (One, two, three, four)


  • 0
  • 2:39

Elmult idokbol (From Olden Times), BB 112: No. 3. Nincsen szerencsesebb (No-one is happier than the peasant)


  • 0
  • 6:45

27 2- and 3- Part Choruses, BB 111, Vol. 4: No. 1. Huszarnota (Hussar) (version with orchestral accompaniment)


  • 1,890
  • 1:39

27 2- and 3- Part Choruses, BB 111, Vol. 3: No. 1. Ne manj el (Don't Leave Me) (version with orchestral accompaniment)


  • 1,890
  • 1:59

27 2- and 3- Part Choruses, BB 111, Vol. 4 (version with orchestral accompaniment): No. 2. Resteknek notaja (Loafer's Song)


  • 1,516
  • 0:41

27 2- and 3- Part Choruses, BB 111, Vol. 4 (version with orchestral accompaniment): No. 3. Bolyongas (Wandering)


  • 2,185
  • 2:35

27 2- and 3- Part Choruses, BB 111, Vol. 3: No. 4. Ciposutes (Bread-baking) (Don't Leave Me) (version with orchestral accompaniment)


  • 1,721
  • 2:18

27 2- and 3- Part Choruses, BB 111, Vol. 1 (version with orchestral accompaniment): No. 2. Ne hagyj itt (Don't Leave Me Here)


  • 1,683
  • 2:56

27 2- and 3- Part Choruses, BB 111, Vol. 5: No. 1. Legenycsufolo (Boys' Teasing Song) (version with orchestral accompaniment)


  • 1,327
  • 1:22

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