Lygtemaendene tager til byen (The Will-o'-the-Wisps Go to Town): Scene 10, "Rapport fra eventyrland" (Report from a Fairy-tale Land) (Marsh Witch, Narrator)

Norgard: Lygtemaendene Tager Til Byen / Sorensen: Den Lille Havfrue

  • 01.07.2006
  • 0 Streams
  • 1 min 43 sec

More from Lygtemaendene tager til byen (The Will-o'-the-Wisps Go to Town): Scene 10, "Rapport fra eventyrland" (Report from a Fairy-tale Land) (Marsh Witch, Narrator)

Lygtemaendene tager til byen (The Will-o'-the-Wisps Go to Town): Prolog (Prologue) (Chorus, The Woman, The Man)


  • 0
  • 5:16

Lygtemaendene tager til byen (The Will-o'-the-Wisps Go to Town): Scene 1, "Manden som vidste eventyr" (The Man Who Knew Fairy Tales) (Narrator, The Woman, Chorus)


  • 0
  • 5:31

Lygtemaendene tager til byen (The Will-o'-the-Wisps Go to Town): Scene 2, "Eventyrjagt og skumringstime" (Fairy Tale Hunt and Twilight Hour) (Narrator, Chorus, Marsh Witch)


  • 0
  • 3:24

Lygtemaendene tager til byen (The Will-o'-the-Wisps Go to Town): Scene 3, "Konen der kiggede ind - i 1. sals hojde" (The Woman Who Peered in - Upstairs) (Narrator, Marsh WItch)


  • 0
  • 4:53

Lygtemaendene tager til byen (The Will-o'-the-Wisps Go to Town): Scene 4, "En dyster invitation, 'Kom med'" (An Ominous Invitation, 'Come join us') (Marsh Witch, Chorus)


  • 0
  • 2:40

Lygtemaendene tager til byen (The Will-o'-the-Wisps Go to Town): Scene 5, "Indbrud fra virkeligheden, 'Sa vagn da op, mand'" (A Break-in from Reality, 'Wake up, will you?') (Marsh Witch, Chorus)


  • 0
  • 0:56

Lygtemaendene tager til byen (The Will-o'-the-Wisps Go to Town): Scene 6, "Mosekonens beretning" (The Marsh Witch's Account) (Narrator, Marsh Witch, Will-o'-the-Wisps)


  • 0
  • 3:07

Lygtemaendene tager til byen (The Will-o'-the-Wisps Go to Town): Scene 7, "Da manen stod pa slem" (When the Moon Boded Ill) (Marsh Witch, Narrator, Will-o'-the-Wisps)


  • 0
  • 2:13

Lygtemaendene tager til byen (The Will-o'-the-Wisps Go to Town): Scene 8, "Sa er de her" (Here They Are now) (Will-o'-the-Wisps, Chorus, Children's Chorus, Marsh Witch, The Man, The Woman)


  • 0
  • 6:06

Lygtemaendene tager til byen (The Will-o'-the-Wisps Go to Town): Scene 9, "(U-)morale" (Moral (not!)) (Will-o'-the-Wisps, The Woman, The Man, Narrator)


  • 0
  • 0:34

Lygtemaendene tager til byen (The Will-o'-the-Wisps Go to Town): Scene 10, "Rapport fra eventyrland" (Report from a Fairy-tale Land) (Marsh Witch, Narrator)


  • 0
  • 1:43

Lygtemaendene tager til byen (The Will-o'-the-Wisps Go to Town): Epilog (Epilogue) (Chorus, The Woman, The Man)


  • 0
  • 3:26

Den lille havfrue (The Little Mermaid): I. Stormen (The Storm) (chorus, soprano, tenor)


  • 1,842
  • 7:48

Den lille havfrue (The Little Mermaid): II. Stilheden (The Silence) (chorus, soprano, tenor)


  • 0
  • 9:06

Den lille havfrue (The Little Mermaid): III. Festen (The Celebration) (chorus, soprano, tenor)


  • 0
  • 9:52

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