Walk Into The Sun - Dub Edit
Walk Into The Sun
- 26.06.2020
- 152K Streams
- 6 min 29 sec
Lee Wilson continues his trajectory as one of the brightest lights and most in demand vocalists around today! The East Coast singer/songwriter, instantly affiliated with the biggest and the best following his 2016 breakout track alongside Kenny Dope - 'Turn You Up' Ever since then he's been riding with the greats - Todd Terry, Reelsoul, Junior Sanchez, Labels like D4Dance/Defected, Dopewax, & Local Talk to name a few. Clearly an artist in high demand, and for good reason too - his trademark smooth vocals & catchy lyrics lend themself to a hybrid of deep and soulful flavors. Lee Wilson was nicknamed "House Music's New Voice" by Kenny Dope. The future is very bright.