How Do You Get By
Bless Yr Lil Heart
- 25.12.2024
- 0 Streams
- 4 min 10 sec
May 21, 2024 - Mar 28, 2022
Cornelia Murr is tethered to no place but has designed her own sky, a spiritual canvas being continually etched into with each collection she casts. Her particular style of tender pop is the steadfast canopy spread across all context. It feels like a layered gift, blankets of truth from her lived hours. She crafts songs pulling us into new chances for space, where one pearl revealed begets another pearl hidden. Her memories become crosshatched with our own, drawing soft echoes with coated whispers. Her lyrics build us rooms to visit. The ethos of her work is pop introspective and painted in concepts that dab the various shades of love’s palette. She examines her Achilles heel while offering her findings as a means for us to assess our own. - Ry Welch