Passion: En mosom kezeimet (I wash my hands)

Orban: Passion

  • 15.07.2014
  • 0 Streams
  • 1 min 43 sec

More from Passion: En mosom kezeimet (I wash my hands)

Passion: Kezdetben vala az Ige (In the beginning was the Word) (Chorus)


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  • 3:26

Passion: Kit kerestek? (Whom seek ye?) (Jesus, 3 of the Crowd)


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  • 1:01

Passion: Mert az Ige testte lett (For the Word was made flesh) (Chorus)


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  • 0:24

Passion: Kit kerestek? (Whom seek ye?) (Jesus, 3 of the Crowd)


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  • 0:19

Passion: O az, ki az irastudokat megfede (He who hath rebuked the scribes) (3 of the Crowd)


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  • 0:34

Passion: Az vilag, ez a vilag O altala lett) (This world was made by Him) (Chorus)


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  • 1:05

Passion: Kit kerestek fegyverekkel? (Whom seek ye with swords?) (Jesus, The Crowd)


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  • 0:27

Passion: A Nazareti Jezus en vagyok (Jesus of Nazareth, I am he) (Jesus)


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  • 1:05

Passion: Fiam, fiam, fenyes Jezus (My son, my son, my shining Jesus) (Maria)


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  • 2:47

Passion: Megfogtak a Krisztust! (Christ is captured) (The Crowd)


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  • 1:54

Passion: Te vagy e Krisztus (Art thou the Christ) (Caiaphas)


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  • 0:56

Passion: Semmit nem felelsz e? (Answerest thou nothing?) (Caiaphas)


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  • 1:04

Passion: Ha mondom nektek (If I tell thee) (Jesus, Caiaphas)


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  • 1:36

Passion: Mondom, bizony mondom (Nevertheless I say unto you (Jesus)


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  • 1:33

Passion: Karomlast szolott ez az ember! (This man has spoken blasphemy) (Caiaphas, The Crowd)


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  • 0:42

Passion: Nazareti Jezust viszi a sok farizeus (Jesus of Nazareth is taken by the Pharisees) (3 of the Crowd, Crowd, Caiaphas)


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  • 2:01

Passion: Te vagy a zsidok kiralya? (Art thou the King of the Jews?) (Pontius Pilate, Jesus)


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  • 0:22

Passion: Szined ele nem kerulne (He would not be before thee) (Caiaphas, Pontius Pilate)


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  • 0:23

Passion: Jol tudod, tudvan tudod ugyebar (Thou knowest all too well) (Caiaphas)


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  • 1:25

Passion: A Fopapod a kezemre adott?! (The chief priest hath delivered thee into my hands!) (Pontius Pilate, Crowd)


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  • 1:15

Passion: Nem felelsz? (Givest thou no answer?) (Pontius Pilate, Jesus)


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  • 1:59

Passion: Nem vagy a csaszar hive (Thou art not loyal to Caesar) (Chorus)


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  • 1:08

Passion: … honnan valo vagy? (… whence art thou?) (Pontius Pilate, Jesus)


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  • 3:02

Passion: Ez az ember artatlan! (This man is innocent!) (Pontius Pilate, A Woman, Caiaphas)


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  • 2:04

Passion: Megalljatok! (Stop!) (Pontius Pilate)


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  • 1:37

Passion: Megostoroztak! (They scourged him!) (Crowd, Pontius Pilate)


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  • 1:32

Passion: Inkabb egy ember vesszen (It is expedient that one man should die) (Caiaphas, Pontius Pilate, A Woman, Crowd, Scribe)


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  • 3:34

Passion: Vigyazzatok es emadkozzatok (Watch ye and pray) (Disciples' Chorus)


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  • 4:26

Passion: Iszternek szelid vizenel van lakasom … (By the gentle waters of the Ister do I dwell …) (Soldier, Centurion, The Crowd, Mary, Jesus, Chorus)


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  • 10:06

Passion: O, Nazareti Jezsus (Oh, Jesus of Nazareth) (Mary Magdalen, Angel)


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  • 5:52

Passion: Ures a sir, ures! (The tomb is empty, it is empty!) (Chorus)


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  • 2:20

Passion: Orchestral Interlude


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  • 2:27

Passion: Orchestral Interlude


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  • 0:33

Passion: En mosom kezeimet (I wash my hands)


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  • 1:43

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