In the bustling, culturally diverse landscape of Toronto, a rising star is crafting a unique musical narrative that resonates far beyond the city's borders. Meet Timi-TGB, an artist whose roots stretch from the vibrant streets of Lagos, Nigeria, to the eclectic neighbourhoods of Toronto, Ontario. With a gift for heartfelt, uncomplicated vocals and a distinctive sound that transcends genres, Timi-TGB is quickly carving out a niche for himself in the world of afro-soul music.
Timi-TGB's musical journey and artistry captures the creative process behind his soul-stirring compositions, and the messages he conveys through his music. Join us as we embark on a voyage through the ethereal soundscapes of Timi-TGB's music, where each note and lyric is a brushstroke on a canvas that tells a story of culture, emotion, and self-belief.