I think differently than most people I know. I apply
logic, reason, and emotional aspects in equal
proportion to the solution of problems.
I have an unusual amount of intuition when it
comes to people. I am able to figure out
motivations and intentions with a high rate of
accuracy. Even with people that I've had very
little interaction with.
I don't fit stereotypes very well. I'm often the odd
one out in a group. I surprise people with my reactions and
perspectives. I have a high EQ, which I feel is incredibly useful in my fields of management and life
coaching, so I make a point of flexing and
improving these skills.
I love to read, and have the ability to absorb and
apply abstract principles regardless of the situation, and transfer these points of learning to other fields and of various differences, which I'm told is a relatively rare ability.
I love being different, and surprising, and not fitting
stereotypes. I'm rather pleased to be me. I have
great self-esteem, and good confidence which
makes me willing to seek out and accept
challenges which I may not appear to be able to
deliver on initially.
I'm not afraid of failure, in fact, I think it's an
essential part of the experimental learning process
that gets you to success. That's what makes me A1, and I've been that way since day 1.
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