Where Everything Begun
Born of the "necessity to scream, blast, and create emotions and get on stage to exchange them with an audience", Greece's W.E.B. have steadily forged a path to becoming one of the premier European symphonic extreme metal bands. With four albums under their collective belt, they return in 2021 with fifth full-length Colosseum, their biggest and most direct work to date. Combining the brutal with the catchy, and drenching it in orchestrations that only serve to expand the epic scale it makes for a thrilling, gripping listen, each of the nine tracks playing an important part in the album as a whole, and making it clear that W.E.B. stand toe-to-toe with anyone in their genre.
W.E.B. is a symphonic Metal band based in the ashes of Athens – Greece. The Fall of 2002AD was the time that the idea of W.E.B. was born and started to take a lifeform shape from an embryonic state to a music challenge expressing darkness and death through adrenaline and poetry. An expression both straight but at the same time theatrical. W.E.B. is here to move you, provoke you, and invite you to the journey through ravendark starless nights with a fire made of Metal music.
Official site: https://webmetalband.com/