Want Ur Love - Demarkus Lewis Remix
Want Ur Love
- 20.08.2018
- 1.1K Streams
- 6 min 30 sec
May 21, 2024 - Mar 28, 2022
Leon's career in music begun in the early..80s when he started djing at several clubs & pubs in Athens and Amaliada at his local Radio Station with his own Radio Show called "The Music World".At the same time he discovered another passion in his life. He studied film direction at The Academy of Cinema Of Athens . As he always s ays : Mus ic is like a film. as a sequence of sounds that gives the illusion of continues movement. T he dj is the film director controlling the content and flow of the music plot. Based on his knowledge of many different styles of music, Leon is able to create the perfect music atmosphere for every different event, by creating emotions through music soundscapes. His philosophy is simple: "Let the music charge your emotions". Booking & Inquiry info@djleonelray.com | www.djleonelray.com