2000年某日 illなコウノトリの暴走により、鹿児島県奄美大島にて爆誕。一般人の皮を被ったルチャドール。読み方はザンギビーツ。必殺技はスープレックスパイルドライバー。
鹿児島本土と奄美群島の人間のみで構成されたクリエイティブ集団''TwoRoughOne''の所長でもある。2013年にビートボックスを始めたのが音楽の始まり。2017年に故郷 奄美大島にてBeatmakerとしての活動を開始。以降様々な衝突の末に人々との感覚のズレに気づき、己を提示する事を続けている最中。Bandcampや自主制作などで様々なリリースを行う。2019年に故郷の奄美大島を出る際に制作した1st ALBUM「AM2Sequence」をリリースし、直後に東京に拠点を移して以降、各地の箱でどう受け取ればいいか分からないような聴き手を惑わすビートライブを常に行い、2021年にはOILWORKS.Rec より 2nd Full Album 「One Sonido Apuesta」をリリース。
One day in 2000, a ill stork went out of control and was born in Amami Oshima, Kagoshima Prefecture. Lucador covered with ordinary people's skin. Read as Zangi Beats. Its Special Move is Suplex Pile Driver.
He is also the director of `` Two Rough One'', a creative group consisting only of people from the mainland of Kagoshima and the Amami Islands. The beginning of music was the start of beatboxing in 2013. Activities as a Beatmaker in his hometown of Amami Oshima in 2017. Since then, after various conflicts, he has noticed a gap in his senses with people and continues to present himself. Various releases will be made through Bandcamp and independent production. In 2019, his hometown Amami Oshima Released the 1st ALBUM "AM2Sequence" that was produced when leaving the band, and since moving to Tokyo immediately after that, he has always performed beat live that misleads listeners who do not know how to receive it in boxes around the world, in 2021. Released the 2nd full album "One Sonido Apuesta''from OILWORKS.Rec