Look to the East, Look to the West (2024), the new album by Camera Obscura, is a revelation. The Tracyanne Campbell-led outfit, reuniting with producer Jari Haapalainen (Let’s Get Out of This Country, My Maudlin Career), have crafted an album that simultaneously recalls why longtime fans have ferociously loved them for decades while also being their most sophisticated effort to date.
Camera Obscura are a Scottish indie pop group who became one of the most celebrated acts in the UK's twee pop scene. Hailing from Glasgow, Camera Obscura were formed in 1996 by Tracyanne Campbell (vocals/guitar), John Henderson (percussion), and Gavin Dunbar (bass). They were frequently compared to Belle and Sebastian, and Stuart Murdoch produced their debut album, Biggest Bluest Hi-Fi (Andmoresound). The album earned praise from John Peel, who invited the group to record a session on his show.
In 2003, Camera Obscura released sophomore album Underachievers Please Try Harder (Elefant/Merge Records), followed by an international tour. The group's third studio album, Let's Get Out Of This Country, was released in June 2006 (Elefant/Merge), and features one of the band's most popular tunes, Lloyd, I'm Ready To Be Heartbroken. In 2009, Camera Obscura released My Maudlin Career (4AD). The success of single French Navy helped push the album into the Top 50 of the UK charts, and the Top 100 of the US album surveys. In 2013, the band released their second album for 4AD, Desire Lines.