Roger Williams aka CandyMan Rah is a native Floridian with world-wide ties and a savvy business experience. Making CandyMan Rah a valuable source expert asset in any field he applies himself to. Creator of Children of The Last Days and forefather of C.O.L.D. Black Mob, CandyMan Rah has been bringing dope game, truth and fire to the mic for years and is an expert lyricist that blesses the ears of the beholder and accentuates tracks like an additional essential instrument. CandyMan Rah was born to hearing-impaired parents and experienced poverty as a result of the crack epidemic destroying the urban communities. The lessons he learned as a child formed the the legend, the man and the myth that is CandyMan Rah into the self motivated hustler he is today. CandyMan Rah was and still is fascinated with the artist of all genres of music. This influences the sound of CandyMan Rah and the open-mindedness of musical composition choices. There are many layers to the music just like the artist...CandyMan Rah!!!