From oblivion to chaos; ride the change. For Divided Heaven singer-songwriter Jeff Berman, much
has changed since the release of 2022's Oblivion: a relocation from Hollywood, California to
Lancaster, Pennsylvania, two new children, a new career in the music industry that isn't touring 6
months out of the year, dare-we-say... normalcy. When the road-warrior Jeff Berman parked the tour
van in favor of established residence, the change brought a fresh perspective to Berman, his
songwriting and his approach to art. This change in songwriting trades tropes of unity, decency and
politeness for the vitriolic, the dirty, and the politically fierce; as clearly exemplified in the
provocative new single 'Living Funeral'. Written in the aftermath of the January 6th insurrection,
'Living Funeral' explicitly defines the messiah-complex of maga and rightfully attributes it to their
cult. "I watched the violence unfold on television while sitting next to my sick and ailing Father. I
could tell it really scared him; it scared me." Berman states. "It felt as if we were watching our own
funeral: the death of civility, democracy, rule of law. Now, people shy away from that event and
recede in fear of bearing responsibility for supporting it. I wrote 'Living Funeral' to turn up the
fucking heat."
'Living Funeral' will be released by Double Helix Records on October 23rd, 2024.