Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XIV. Act I, Scene v, Recit. "Ferma, Mirtillo!" (Mirtillo, Eurilla)

Handel: Il Pastor Fido

  • 13.02.2012
  • 0 Streams
  • 1 min 15 sec

More from Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XIV. Act I, Scene v, Recit. "Ferma, Mirtillo!" (Mirtillo, Eurilla)

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: I. Ouverture (i)


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  • 4:39

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: II. Ouverture (ii)


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  • 5:08

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: III. Ouverture (iii)


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  • 2:18

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: IV. Ouverture (iv)


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  • 2:23

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: V. Ouverture (v)


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  • 4:20

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: VI. Ouverture (vi)


  • 0
  • 3:21

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: VII. Act I, Scene i, Aria "Fato crudo, Amor severo" (Mirtillo)


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  • 5:09

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: VIII. Act I, Scene i, Recit. "Ah! nò, sia pur pietosa" (Mirtillo)


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  • 0:50

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: IX. Act I, Scene i, Aria "Augelletti, ruscelletti" (Mirtillo)


  • 0
  • 2:42

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: X. Act I, Scene ii, Recit. "Ah! infelice mia patria" (Amarilli)


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  • 1:00

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XI. Act I, Scene iii, Recit. "Son di Mirtillo!" (Mirtillo, Amarilli)


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  • 1:10

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XII. Act I, Scene iii, Aria "Son come navicella" (Amarilli)


  • 0
  • 3:50

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XIII. Act I, Scene iv, Recit. "Come viver poss'io" (Mirtillo)


  • 0
  • 0:34

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XIV. Act I, Scene v, Recit. "Ferma, Mirtillo!" (Mirtillo, Eurilla)


  • 0
  • 1:15

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XV. Act I, Scene v, Aria "Lontan del mio tesoro" (Mirtillo)


  • 0
  • 7:06

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XVI. Act I, Scene vi, Recit. "Ah! che sperar mi resta" (Eurilla)


  • 0
  • 0:37

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XVII. Act I, Scene vi, Aria "Di goder il bel ch'adoro" (Eurilla)


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  • 4:24

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XVIII. Act I, Scene vii, Aria "Casta Dea, a te divoto" (Silvio)


  • 0
  • 3:34

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XIX. Act I, Scene vii-a, Recit. "Tu sola, oh bella Diva" (Silvio, Dorinda)


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  • 1:26

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XX. Act I, Scene vii-a, Aria "Mi lasci, mi fuggi" (Dorinda)


  • 0
  • 6:41

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XXI. Act I, Scene viii, Recit. "Cintia, mia casta Dea" (Silvio)


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  • 0:26

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XXII. Act I, Scene viii, Aria "Non vo' legarmi il cor" (Silvio)


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  • 3:21

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XXIII. Act II, Scene i, Recit. "E ancor non giunge Eurilla" (Mirtillo)


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  • 0:42

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XXIV. Act II, Scene i, Aria "Caro Amor, sol per momenti" (Mirtillo)


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  • 3:10

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XXV. Act II, Scene ii, Aria "Occhi belli, voi sol siete" (Eurilla)


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  • 2:52

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XXVI. Act II, Scene iii, Recit. "E chi tenta rapirmi il bel tesoro?" (Mirtillo)


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  • 1:01

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XXVII. Act II, Scene iii, Aria "Allor che sorge astro lucente" (Mirtillo)


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  • 2:06

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XXVIII. Act II, Scene iv, Recit. "Mi fian cari i tuoi voti" (Amarilli)


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  • 0:40

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XXIX. Act II, Scene v, Recit. "Mia diletta, che pensi?" (Eurilla, Amarilli)


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  • 0:41

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XXX. Act II, Scene v, Aria "Finte labbra! stelle ingrate!" (Amarilli)


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  • 3:34

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XXXI. Act II, Scene vi, Recit. "Vanne lungi da me!" (Silvio, Dorinda)


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  • 1:03

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XXXII. Act II, Scene vi, Aria "Sol nel mezzo risuona del core" (Silvio)


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  • 3:09

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XXXIII. Act II, Scene vii, Recit. "Dorinda, ove hai tu poste le tue speranze?" (Dorinda)


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  • 0:29

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XXXIV. Act II, Scene vii, Aria "Se in ombre nascosto ritira" (Dorinda)


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  • 3:44

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XXXV. Act II, Scene viii, Recit. "Ed è pur ver" (Mirtillo, Eurilla)


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  • 0:42

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XXXVI. Act II, Scene viii, Aria "Nel mio core ritorna il contento" (Mirtillo)


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  • 4:27

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XXXVII. Act II, Scene ix, Recit. "E tu stessa vedesti recar l'invito?" (Amarilli, Eurilla)


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  • 0:48

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XXXVIII. Act II, Scene ix, Aria "Nò! non basta a un infedele" (Amarilli)


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  • 4:03

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XXXIX. Act II, Scene x, Recit. "Ah! tepido amator" (Eurilla, Mirtillo)


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  • 0:12

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XL. Act II, Scene xi, Recit. "Sù, sù! per mano altrui" (Eurilla)


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  • 0:41

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XLI. Act II, Scene xi, Aria "Ritorna adesso Amor" (Eurilla)


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  • 5:45

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XLII. Act III, Scene i, Recit. "Sventurato mio amore!" (Dorinda)


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  • 0:21

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XLIII. Act III, Scene i, Aria "Ho un non sò che nel cor" (Dorinda)


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  • 2:31

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XLIV. Act III, Scene ii, Recit. "Miei fidi, oggi v’accenda" (Silvio)


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  • 0:38

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XLV. Act III, Scene iii, Recit. "Oh! dolce uscir di vita" (Dorinda, Silvio)


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  • 1:57

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XLVI. Act III, Scene iii, Aria "Se m’ami, oh caro" (Dorinda)


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  • 5:00

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XLVII. Act III, Scene iv, Recit. "Amor, se gloria stimi" (Silvio)


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  • 0:37

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XLVIII. Act III, Scene iv, Aria "Tu nel piagarmi il seno" (Silvio)


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  • 7:04

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: XLIX. Act III, Scene v, Aria "D’allor trionfante si cinga la fronte" (Eurilla)


  • 0
  • 2:59

Il pastor fido, HWV 8a: L. Act III, Scene v, Recit. "Già Amarilli fù colta" (Eurilla)


  • 0
  • 0:25

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