Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Nocturn: Currente igitur anno decimo (third reading)

Erik den heliges hystoria / The Historia of St. Erik

  • 01.03.2012
  • 0 Streams
  • 1 min 20 sec

More from Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Nocturn: Currente igitur anno decimo (third reading)

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Vespers: [Bell ringing]


  • 1,120
  • 0:55

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Vespers: Deus in adiutorium (versicle)


  • 1,297
  • 0:40

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Vespers: Assunt Erici (antiphon) - Psalm 113, "Laudate pueri Dominum"


  • 2,368
  • 1:39

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Vespers: : Gaudeat eximiis (antiphon) - Psalm 117, "Laudate Dominum omnes gentes"


  • 1,093
  • 1:38

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Vespers: Hic insignitus (antiphon) - Psalm 146, "Lauda anima mea Dominum"


  • 1,104
  • 1:33

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Vespers: Dulcis amici mei (antiphon) - Psalm 147, "Laudate Dominum quoniam"


  • 0
  • 1:41

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Vespers: Da Deus ut mitis (antiphon) - Psalm 147, "Laudi Ierusalem Dominum"


  • 1,162
  • 1:34

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Vespers: Tu Domine eligisti me regem (reading)


  • 0
  • 0:30

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Vespers: O miles Christi (responsory)


  • 1,392
  • 2:09

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Vespers: Adest dies leticie (hymn)


  • 0
  • 1:36

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Vespers: Ora pro nobis beate Erice (versicle)


  • 0
  • 0:22

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Vespers: Antiphon for the Magnificat - Magnificat anima mea Dominum (magnificat)


  • 0
  • 3:14

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Vespers: Deus qui beate Erico regi Benedicamus (collect)


  • 0
  • 1:43

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Vespers: Organ improvisation on Ave martyr pretiose


  • 1,412
  • 1:12

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Nocturn: [Bell ringing]


  • 0
  • 0:44

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Nocturn: Domine labia mea aperias (versicle)


  • 0
  • 0:53

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Nocturn: Christum suppliciter (invitatory) - Psalm 95, "Venite exultemus Domino"


  • 0
  • 5:18

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Nocturn: Hymnum nove leticie (hymn)


  • 0
  • 1:40

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Nocturn: Rex erat Ericus (antiphon) - Psalm 2, "Quare fremuerunt gentes"


  • 0
  • 2:07

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Nocturn: Correxit Suecie (antiphon) - Psalm 21, "Domine in virtute tua letabitur"


  • 0
  • 2:06

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Nocturn: Digne promeruit (antiphon) - Psalm 72, "Deus iudicium tuum regi da"


  • 0
  • 2:02

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Nocturn: Gloria et honore (versicle)


  • 0
  • 0:20

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Nocturn: Gloriosus martyr Dei Ericus regno (first reading)


  • 0
  • 1:02

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Nocturn: Pax patrie decus ecclesie (responsory)


  • 0
  • 2:12

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Nocturn: In regali fastigio constitutus primo (second reading)


  • 0
  • 1:28

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Nocturn: Amens omnio letali (responsory)


  • 0
  • 2:07

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Nocturn: Currente igitur anno decimo (third reading)


  • 0
  • 1:20

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Nocturn: O miles Christi (responsory)


  • 8,723
  • 2:31

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Nocturn: Organ improvisation on O miles Christi


  • 0
  • 0:43

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Nocturn: Te Deum


  • 0
  • 2:51

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Lauds: Corona aurea (versicle)


  • 1,196
  • 0:51

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Lauds: Hostia grata Deo (antiphon) - Psalm 93, "Dominus regnavit decorem"


  • 0
  • 2:12

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Lauds: Infanti genito (antiphon) - Psalm 100, " Iubilate Deo, omnis terra"


  • 0
  • 2:00

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Lauds: Martyr presbytero (antiphon) - Psalm 63, "Deus, deus meus"


  • 0
  • 1:55

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Lauds: Ferro transsecuit (antiphon for the Benedicite) - Benidicite omnia opera (benedicite)


  • 0
  • 2:10

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Lauds: O rex insignis (antiphon) - Psalm 148, "Laudate Dominum de celis"


  • 0
  • 2:08

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Lauds: Tu Domine eligisti me regem (reading)


  • 0
  • 0:30

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Lauds: Laudes ad laudes iungite (hymn)


  • 0
  • 1:32

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Lauds: Iustus ut palma (versicle)


  • 0
  • 0:25

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Lauds: Corona fulgens aurea (antiphon for the Benedictus) - Benedictus Dominus Deus Israel (benedictus)


  • 0
  • 3:55

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Lauds: Organ improvisation on Corona fulgens aurea


  • 0
  • 1:29

Erik den heliges hystoria (The Historia of St. Erik) [Sweden, 14th Century]: Second Vespers: Miles regis glorie (antiphon for the magnificat)


  • 1,116
  • 1:42

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