Lea Porcelain is a Berlin-based duo comprised of producer Julien Bracht and singer Markus Nikolaus. They have quickly introduced themselves as a new German band receiving international attention from Apple Music’s Zane Lowe as well as KEXP’s John Richards who continuously premieres and plays every release in his morning show. Lea Porcelain stands for a new German era of sound with a hybrid
setup. Their sound is genre-bending and covers elements from electronic music, post-punk combined with indie-rock as
well as folk elements. Every track is covered with a tasteful layer of
melancholy and poetry that stretches over heartbreaking synth lines.
Festivals like Reading & Leeds, as well as Latitude and The Great Escape festival in the UK were on the list. The hit single “I Am OK” from the EP received wide support from KEXP US, to Radioeins in Germany and Apple Music B1 Chart Show London. In 2021, the band was asked by “COLORSXSTUDIOS” to play a live performance of their upcoming track “POOL SONG”. “Pool Song” was also featured in GTA 5’s latest update on KULT.FM, the radio station by Julien Casablancas of The Strokes who handpicked the tracks.
Lea Porcelain have a lot planned for 2021 and you need to make sure to keep an eye open for this ever so surprising Berlin band. The path they are currently on reflects a journey of great and sincere musical creations and a lot of hope on the horizon of a German band that increasingly attracts international attention.