- 01.12.2021
- 0 Streams
- 0 min 31 sec
May 21, 2024 - Mar 28, 2022
東京を中心に活動する25歳のラッパー。日本生まれでありながら、戦後のカンボジアとアメリカ合衆国を転々とした経験から、日英2言語でのバイリンガルなラップや海外アーティストとの楽曲制作など、グローバルな活動を展開している。また、ケンドリック・ラマーやファンカデリックなど様々なジャンルのアーティストに影響を受けた類まれなる表現を持つ。2022年、バンドスタイルで行った路上ライブのTwitter動画が10万回再生を超えるなど大きな反響を得る。2023年には「FUJI ROCK FESTIVAL 2023」にROOKIE A GO-GOステージにて初出演を果たした。 Japanese Hip-hop/Soul artist Kingo, crafts his music as the vehicle to explore his diverse life experiences, and desire for personal growth - using his meditative nature as the driving force in his pursuit of self-actualisation. Although he was born in Japan, Kingo spent the majority of his formative years in post-war Cambodia, and the United States - leading to a distinctly international perspective, and a form of expression that is uniquely his own. Kingo marries his personal, intimate lyrics with a razor-sharp flow that is charactaristic of his dynamic, exhilarating sound. He illustrates his versatility by seamlessly alternating between English and Japanese – artisanally evoking a sense of familiarity in the listener as he invites them into his world. Dropping his guard and opening up, he hopes of reaching those facing life’s challenges with his music. Kingo aims to soften the soul - sparking important heart-to-hearts that lead to a shared sense of companionship, mindfulness, and a renewed spirit to persevere through difficult times.