Peace of Soul
Grand Hotel Excelsior
- 13.03.2022
- 0 Streams
- 2 min 37 sec
May 21, 2024 - Mar 28, 2022
Red (real name Primiano), was born in the 60s in Varese countryside, Italy. Author and composer, he started playing acoustic guitar as a kid. After a few years, he embraced the electric bass, falling in love with it, and it will be his instrument forever, even if over the years he’ll become partially a multi-instrumentalist. In the meantime he started composing his first unreleased songs. A long apprenticeship between the 80s and 90s, playing in lots of cover bands and orchestras of various genres and styles, with more experienced musicians. And thanks to them he had the opportunity to draw on and absorb the various musical paths and the different influences in the melodic pop-rock style. In the 90s and 2000s he played in hundreds of live (Concerts, Piano bar, Pub) alone and with “Mystery Red”, his last Tribute Band. Many many works written in all the time, divided between songs and soundtracks. He prefers to relate the past with his music, instead of with summaries. Many collaborations, including: Marco Monteverde, Gigi Cavalli Cocchi, Fabio Scalco, Radio Color (Romania), Radio Caponord, Fabrizio Pausini, Alessandro Gregorini, Massimiliano Mottarlini, Alessandro Marino.