Quo vadis, Op. 30, Scene 3: Scene 3: Du Herr, ein Opfer des Tyrannen! (Thou, Lord, a victim of Rome's tyrant) (Soprano)

Nowowiejski: Quo vadis, Op. 30

  • 21.04.2017
  • 0 Streams
  • 6 min 45 sec

More from Quo vadis, Op. 30, Scene 3: Scene 3: Du Herr, ein Opfer des Tyrannen! (Thou, Lord, a victim of Rome's tyrant) (Soprano)

Quo vadis, Op. 30, Scene 1: Scene 1: Introduction: Maestoso dramatico (Chorus)


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  • 2:56

Quo vadis, Op. 30, Scene 1: Scene 1: Der Götter Zorn der Rache Strahl (The ire of gods, ray of vengeance) (Chorus)


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  • 2:35

Quo vadis, Op. 30, Scene 1: Scene 1: Sechs Tage schon kein Morgenrot (Six days have seen no blush of dawn) (Chorus)


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  • 2:43

Quo vadis, Op. 30, Scene 1: Scene 1: Wir sah'n den Kaiser auf der Höh (We saw the emperor up high) (Chorus)


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  • 3:36

Quo vadis, Op. 30, Scene 1: Scene 1: Wer? Wer hat entfesselt den Zorn (Tell! Who hath enkindled wrath) (Chorus)


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  • 2:37

Quo vadis, Op. 30, Scene 2: Scene 2: Prätorianer Marsch (March of the Praetorians)


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  • 5:04

Quo vadis, Op. 30, Scene 2: Scene 2: Gruß und Heil des göttlichen Nero! (Hail, all hail, to you, from divine Nero!) (Bass)


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  • 8:45

Quo vadis, Op. 30, Scene 2: Scene 2: Christianos ad leones! (Chorus)


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  • 4:42

Quo vadis, Op. 30, Scene 3: Scene 3: Kommt Brüder lasst uns preisen den Herrn! (Come, brothers, let us praise the Lord) (Baritone, Chorus)


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  • 7:30

Quo vadis, Op. 30, Scene 3: Scene 3: Die Fürsten droh'n (The tyrants threaten) (Baritone)


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  • 1:58

Quo vadis, Op. 30, Scene 3: Scene 3: Wir sind bereit, für Jesu Namen (We are prepared, in the name of Jesus (Soprano)


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  • 5:18

Quo vadis, Op. 30, Scene 3: Scene 3: Ich der Hirte, ihr die Herde (I the Shepherd, you, my flock here) (Baritone)


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  • 1:46

Quo vadis, Op. 30, Scene 3: Scene 3: Du Herr, ein Opfer des Tyrannen! (Thou, Lord, a victim of Rome's tyrant) (Soprano)


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  • 6:45

Quo vadis, Op. 30, Scene 3: Scene 3: So hätte Gott durch euch gesprochen? (Me thinks that God thro' you hath spoken!) (Baritone)


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  • 2:55

Quo vadis, Op. 30, Scene 3: Scene 3: Der Herr segne dich und behüte dich (The Lord be with thee and protect thee) (Chorus)


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  • 5:34

Quo vadis, Op. 30, Scene 4: Scene 4: Andante sostenuto


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  • 2:23

Quo vadis, Op. 30, Scene 4: Scene 4: Tief dunkle Nacht (Deep, deep dark night) (Baritone)


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  • 5:43

Quo vadis, Op. 30, Scene 4: Scene 4: Quo vadis, Domine? (Baritone)


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  • 2:01

Quo vadis, Op. 30, Scene 4: Scene 4: O Herr sieh mich im Staub vernichtet hier! (O Lord, look down on me, reduced to dust) (Baritone)


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  • 2:43

Quo vadis, Op. 30, Scene 4: Scene 4: Ich geh' nach Rom! (I'll go to Rome!) (Baritone)


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  • 1:46

Quo vadis, Op. 30, Scene 5: Scene 5: Schlusschor: Preis dir, Preis dir, Gewaltiger! (Glory, glory and praise be thine!) (Chorus)


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  • 4:50

Quo vadis, Op. 30, Scene 5: Scene 5: Doppelfuge: Preis, Lob und Dank dir, dem Gesalbten (Praise and glory and thanks be unto you, the anointed) (Chorus)


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  • 7:11

Quo vadis, Op. 30, Scene 5: Scene 5: Ehre e idem Vater und dem Sohn (Glory be to the Father, and to the Son) (Chorus)


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  • 2:04

Quo vadis, Op. 30, Scene 5: Scene 5: Amen (Chorus)


  • 0
  • 2:20

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