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Paolo Maiarelli is an experimental sound artist and music producer. Inspired by other musicians ranging from Arca, Rabit, Lee Gamble and much of the Berlin and London under- ground scene, over the years he has increasingly deve- loped a personal sound by decomposing and recompo- sing various genres. Since 2014 he has been working on his own vision under the pseudonym POL100. Within his practice, Paolo focuses on listening to his inner moods and states of being, attempting to transla- te and express them through the curation of the sound detail. His creative process is characterized by the continuous absorption of external auditory stimuli which he metabolises and synthesizes into a flow of sounds in perpetual evolution; a constant transition between different states of equilibrium that is far from traditional canons of music-making as it tends to deconstruction and the loss of rhythm. The result is a sonic hot pot of ambient, bass break and abstract sounds that has alre- ady convinced some european labels.