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Balsach: Visions Grotesques

Balsach: Music Lessons on the Farm, Mu...

Balsach: Choral Music

Balsach: Músiques per a cordes, veus ...


Llorenç Balsach i Peig (Sabadell, 1953) is a spanish composer and music theorist. He studied music with Josep Poch, Carles Guinovart and Josep Soler in Barcelona. His output includes incidental music for theatre and cinema, intrumental and vocal music. In 1986 he was invited to present his work at La Fenice in Venice (within the framework of the Conference for the European Year of Music) in a concert dedicated to five young european composers proposed by composers Josep Mestres Quadreny, Luigi Nono, Pierre Boulez, Dieter Schnebel and Klaus Huber. He has received commissions from Radio Baden-Baden Orchestra, Vallès Symphonic Orchestra, Catalonian Composers'Association, Spanish Ministry of Culture, National Radio of Spain and the Councils of Barcelona and Sabadell among others. Most of his works have been recorded on several discs, including five monographic. He was one of the pioneers -since 1982- in musical and musicological research with computers, creating software of harmonic analysis, musical notation (Simolog 1984 Prize), Chord Analyzer (online).... some of his programs (such as La mà de Guido Music Setting System) were used internationally by many publishers. He has investigated the inner relations between harmonic successions and tension-relax impressions, reflected in his books: Harmonic Convergence and The foundations of harmonic tensions.