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Sa Nu Crezi in Superstitii


Cine Sunt?

Asa E Dragostea

Eu Nu Mai Sunt Cel De Ieri

Piese de Colectie


Let's Have a Holiday

Femeia... eterna poveste (Live)

E Groasa Treaba


Aurelian Temișan represents the image of a complex man who makes his presence known, in everything he does, through the elegance, passion and soul he puts into anything he does. With an unmistakable voice, debuting as a singer of light music, he overcame his "comfort zone", becoming today a versatile artist who easily juggles the "hat" of an actor, juror of the beloved television show "Te Cunosc de Undeva" , husband, father and, above all, MAN. Aurelian enjoys musical success, being in the top of the favorites of all Romanians, following the release of the songs such as "Of, ce doare!", "Cântă toată mahalaua", "E groasă treaba" and "Pizza", which induce, through rhythm and lyrics, good cheer. His series of concerts is added to the accumulation of successes: "Unplugged", "Tribute Aurelian Andreescu", "Dacă n-ai fi existat... femeie!", "Iubire de NOIembrie", "Rendez-vous de... Crăciun", "... de dragoste" and "Eu nu mai sunt cel de ieri". With a balanced energy, warm, positive and full of humor, Aurelian tends to be the "right man, at the right place" spectacularly succeeding, in every appearance, to give the audience exactly the energy they need, combining reference pieces from international music to famous Romanian covers, as well as his own songs.