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Guitarra Galega, Vol. 1


Isabel Rei Samartim (1973) was born in A Estrada (Galicia), where she began her musical studies with her family and later at the local conservatory. She graduated in guitar at Conservatorio Superior de Música de A Coruña with Professor Antonio Rocha. Later, he studied with guitarists David Russell, Thomas Müller-Pering at the Hochschule für Musik “Franz Listz” in Weimar (Germany) and other distinguished performers. As a guitarist, she won prizes in several competitions in Spain and Italy, premiered works by several composers and performed concerts in Europe and Brazil. She is promoting music by female composers and The Galician Classical Guitar Collection. Among her publications are the Cancioneiro de Marcial Valladares “Ayes de mi País” with J. L. do Pico Orjais (Dos Acordes, 2010), Suite Rianjeira (Barbantia, 2010) and Proel e o Galo. Poesia e Prosa Galega Completa de Luís G. Amado Carvalho (Edições da Galiza, 2012). In 2014, he released the album A Viola no Século XIX: Música de Salão na Madeira, sponsored by Madeira Regional Government. PhD in Art History from the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela with the thesis A guitarra na Galiza (2020). Teacher at the Conservatorio Profesional de Música de Santiago de Compostela since 2005. During the academic year first semester 2020-2021 she was teacher at Departamento de Música da Universidade do Minho (Braga, Portugal). In May 2021, Através Ed. published her book Guitarra galega. Breve história da viola (violão) na Galiza.