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Compared to the likings of Chiddy Bang & The Dean's List (SLUG Mag, 2020), Sir Rufio serves a savory palate of the late 90’s—early 2000's hip hop crossed with the new age, all while contributing to the life of creative lyricism. Since the vast majority of his projects are turn-keyed by the wizard mahjishun, Dj Burnz, his music provides a quality and style of sound that has yet to be challenged in his local scene. “In my music career pursuits, I’ve heard everything from audible snickering, hand-over-mouth discouragement to novel length messages from loved ones telling me to keep going. Sir Rufio is my Eddie Munson (ie. Stranger Things S4). Ruf is a lost boy who wants other lost boys (& girls) to feel accepted for who they WANT to be instead of being something that some toxic nobody projects you to be. It is a personal goal to ensure the victory for those with whom I choose to surround myself. The way I see it: what’s the point of having/doing cool sh!+ if you don’t have loved ones to experience it with? None. There is no point.” Be sure to keep up on ruf’s news on Twitter @RufioSLC & Instagram @sirrufio!