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"Every track on IgnoRANT tackles complicated issues that affect massive populations while dodging the mainstream discourse due to their controversial nature. Though many of these tracks are very outward looking, criticizing larger systematic oppressions, “Hurt” is one of the tracks that turns inward to examine more personal topics of self-love, relationships, and pain on the individual level." - Skope “Racquel Jones’s “Sacrilege” is one of those tracks that latches itself onto your consciousness the second it hits your ear canal. With a totally unique sound that glues the best parts of punk rock, hip-hop, dub, and industrial into one intoxicating brew, Jones’ catches you on the first note. The song turns in a pointed evisceration of the way Christianity has been used as a tool of colonial oppression for centuries, seeking to reclaim her own spiritual heritage. The Jamaican MC’s video, directed by Alex Di Marco, captures her explosive energy with stripped down ultra-vibrant visuals. This single fires on all cylinders: performance, production, message, and visuals. Racquel Jones’ full length can’t come soon enough.” - AFROPUNK