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EN: Modern pop, Funk, Jazz and Folk-Fusion from the wild Carpathians. Energetic, fresh and creative, Koszika, backed by her band, The HotShots is a live performance you won't forget. Always between two worlds - the past and the future, tradition vs. modernism, acoustic vs. electric sounds - their music is rooted in the past, but looking into the future. Electrically eclectic music. Best served LIVE! RO: Koszika & The HotShots. KatHS. Muzică eclectică, care cuprinde un sound modern, pop cu ritmuri funky, iz de reggae, armonii jazzy și elemente folclorice etnice. Întotdeauna aflați între două lumi, reinterpretăriile a câtorva melodii de influența folclorică ne readuc în contact cu o lume din trecut într-o eră a elecricității. Trupa se savurează cel mai bine LIVE! HU: A Koszika & The HotShots felvillanyozóan eklektikus hangzású, sokszínű muzsikája izgalmas folt az erdélyi zenei palettán. Muzsikájukra az erőteljes live hangzás jellemző, amely elszállósan reggae-s, mocskosan funky és simulékonyan jazzes is tud lenni. Dalaikban a sok földrajzilag távol eső népek zenéinek elemeit összetársítva egy kultúrákon átívelő, egyesítő jellegű muzsikát hoznak létre. Kihagyhatatlan LIVE koncertélmény! Asztalos Zsolt / drums Éltes Áron / sax Cristina László / keys, backing vocals Koszorus Krisztina / vocals, fx Szász Csaba / guitar, fx Vaughn Roberts / trumpet Zonda Attila / bass, fx