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masaki sakamoto: ピアニストとしても活動するエレクトロニクスアーティスト。2003年、コーネリアスのリミックスアルバム 『PM』に「A point RE:view MIX」収録。2004年、坂本龍一がナビするJ-waveの番組"Radio Sakamoto"でコンパイルされたCDに自身名義、そしてSL@yRe & The Feminine Stoolξ名義の2曲で参加。2007年初のソロアルバム『ENDOTONES』を発表、LIQUIDROOM EBISUにて行われたyanokami(矢野顕子×レイ・ハラカミ)のライブでのオープニング・アクトを務め、長年親交を深めていたATOM™ (アトムハート)とファイル交換のみで制作した共作アルバム『Alien Symphony』をリリース。 2012年、ケンイシイのアルバム『Music for Daydreams』に参加。都内でのピアノ演奏がメインの活動が続いている。 MASAKI SAKAMOTO is a Composer/Pianist, MD(neurology)/Ph.D. In 2003, his remix track "A point RE:view MIX" was released on "PM" (Cornelius "Point" remixies). And in 2004, his brand-new remix "The Landsong Re-Landing" and a brand-new track "Polka Dots & Sl@yremoonbeams" by a brand-new unit called "SL@yRe & The Feminine Stoolξ" with Kawatory, released on the compilation CD titled "DOCUMENTO -RADIO SAKAMOTO-", produced by Ryuichi Sakamoto. In 2005, Sakamoto and Kawatory appeared on the program of J-WAVE "RADIO SAKAMOTO", and performed a live show with two laptops on the small table in front of the four guys including Ryuichi Sakamoto. At the end of July, the first album of SL@yRe & The Feminine Stoolξ, "Phut Cr@ckle Tokyo [K] " was released from Sublime Records. In 2007, his first solo album titled "ENDOTONES" was released. At that moment, he performed a live show as a front act of YANOKAMI. In 2012, He was also present on Ken Ishii's album "Music for Daydreams" and his live show as a featured supporting member at SonarSound Tokyo.