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Der junge Falke

Die Roten Wolken

Agja - Das reisende Licht

Die erzählte Geschichte

Die kurze Geschichte

Das goldene Zeitalter

A Tiny Raindrop

Das helle Feuer

der rote Marker

Der Schwimmende Fischer EP


Behind the Alter ego of AGJA is a Guy called Jan S. His passion for electronics started early - he experimented at the tender age of 14 with a Roland MC-303 and an Atari 1040ST. Soon technical equipment replaced the matchbox cars on his desk and the love for sound-generators grew more and more. Music from artists such as Aphex Twin and Squarepusher but also Stockhausen and Sala have influenced him very early, which is still noticeable through playful sound experiments and research. This affinity went so far, that in 2009 AGJA began studying to be- come a Master in sound and music and had successfully completed this in 2012. Since then, he is not only involved in his own music, he also worked for many TV and film projects, as well as mixing and mastering engineer. AGJA’s sound is characterized by minimalistically com- plex repetitive cartridges, which leaves room to play but still drift straight. Expression through waves, voltage and changes. Ambitious perfectionism and attention to detail are reflected in his productions and gives insights in his viewings of environment