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中村舞子(豆ノ詠)は日本の女性シンガー、作詞家。フィリピン ラグナ州出身。 日本人の父、スペイン/フィリピンのダブルの母とのミックス。 現在はR&BからPOPSまで活動の幅を広げ、ルーツミュージックを大切にしながらも 枠に囚われない、自由な一曲を残すことに全てを注いでいる。 現在は豆ノ詠に改名し、さらに自由な音楽を目指す。 1991 年 6 月 15 日出生于菲律宾拉古纳。他三岁时来到日本。 日本的父亲和母亲是菲律宾人和西班牙人的混合体。 目前,他的活动正在从R&B扩展到POPS,以根音乐为中心。 目前更名为 豆ノ詠(Mame no Yomi),我们的目标是提供更多原创音乐。 Maiko Nakamura is Japanese Soul Singer . She was born in San Pedro, Laguna, Philippines. Her father is Japanese , mother, Filipino-Spanish, she moved to Japan when she was three years old and grew up in Saitama. It was natural that Maiko raised her musical talent and started to sing since her parents had a great love of music and she was surrounded by Western music when she grew up. Despite such a musical advantage, she was so shy that one day her mother had to take Maiko out to Karaoke and urged her to sing out in front of their friends. Her mother taught her to foster a better communication with people by singing, to express herself out. At the age of seventeen, she won an audition and was chosen to be a featured singer from 4,300 applicants for a coming track. Then the debut track recorded a million download sales since its release in 2008, became an extremely popular ballad song among Japanese young people. Currently renamed to Mame no Yomi, aiming for music that is not bound by genre.