SONY MUSIC旗下歌手,2006年出道,至今已發行16張專輯。事業初期很多歌曲都是經典情歌,而且演繹歌曲感情細膩,故被封為「療傷情歌王子」。JASON一直嘗試挑戰不同音樂範疇,從演繹到創作,都敢於求新求變。
2021年再次在紅館舉行《陳柏宇FIGHT FOR _ 演唱會》,無論主題、歌曲編排及現場演繹均大受好評。同名的現場專輯連續3週榮登香港唱片商會稍量榜冠軍。2022年推出的專輯《THE FIGHT GOES ON》及主打歌〈有我〉分別獲得新城勁爆頒獎禮2022「勁爆年度專輯」及「勁爆歌曲」。
2023年在日本YOUTUBE平台THE FIRST TAKE重新演繹了代表作〈你瞞我瞞〉及當時的最新派台歌〈有天〉,前者點擊率在1天內衝破一百萬次,成為YOUTUBE TREND 香港第1位、加拿大第7位及英國第15位;後者亦在7天內衝破一百萬次及成為YOUTUBE TRENDING 香港第1位,廣受好評,人氣再度攀升。
One of the top-tier local artists in Hong Kong and most recognized pop artists in Asia, Jason Chan has released 16 studio albums since his debut under Sony Music in 2006. He had released many love songs in his early career, earning him the nickname of "The Prince of Healing Love Songs". Always adventurous in his music, Jason explores new music directions and different renditions which lead to his music transformation over time.
His year-end concert at HK Coliseum was a huge success followed by his 2022 album "The Fight Goes On" with three #1 singles.
The first Hong Kong artist to appear on Japanese YouTube channel THE FIRST TAKE in 2023, Jason performed an exclusive rearranged rendition of his signature love ballad "Lies Between Us" and his recent plug song "One Day". The former garnered 1M views in 1 day and trended #1 in Hong Kong, #7 in Canada and #15 in UK. The latter also grossed 1M views in 7 days and trended #1 in Hong Kong. His performance was widely acclaimed and reach another peak of popularity.