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No Ar PRK30!, Vol: 2

No Ar PRK30!, Vol: 1


Successful singer Castro Barbosa was the first to record one of the most important Brazilian songs of all time, the Carnival march "O Teu Cabelo Não Nega." The success of his long and fruitful career in radio and TV was registered in more than 82 albums and 148 songs. Barbosa was a worker in the Loide Brasileiro when was taken by a mate for a test in the Rádio Educadora. Auditioned by Almirante, was hired for his show. Introduced to the composer André Filho, he recorded his first album with Filho's marcha "Uvinha" and Heitor dos Prazeres's samba "Hás de Sentir" for Parlophon. After two other albums for that label, Barbosa was taken to the RCA Victor company by Paulo Neto, where he was presented to the artistic director Rogério Guimarães. Produced by the latter, Barbosa recorded "Cantar" (by his late brother Fernando Castro Barbosa) and "Tenho Mêdo" (Rogério Guimarães). Achieving the regular success, Barbosa recorded for Victor again on December 21, 1931, this time immortalizing the song which would be one of the most important Brazilian popular tunes and the most important Carnaval classic of all time, "O Teu Cabelo Não Nega" (Irmãos Valença/Lamartine Babo). For the same album, he also recorded Babo's "Passarinho... Passarinho." From that point, Barbosa departed for a long series of Carnaval hits like "Lig Lig Lé," "Praça 11," "China Pau," and others. In that period, Barbosa knew João de Freitas Ferreira, who was known as Jonjoca. Forming a duo, they recorded several successful songs. Having worked in several radio stations, Barbosa had a big break in Radio Philips's Programa casé. In 1937, he shared the successful show Palmolive with Jorge Murad and Dircinha Batista. He opened as a humorist in the Rádio Transmissora, invited by Renato Murce. With the acceptation of the audiences, he continued doubling in the two careers. He worked in the Rádio Mayrink Veiga, in the extremely popular show PRV-8, later re-titled for PRK-30 in the Rádio Clube do Brasil. With Lauro Borges, Barbosa opened a three-month season in São Paulo which ended up being a ten-year engagement. After spending four years at the Rádio Tupi, they departed for TV Paulista, where they remained for four years. Again in Rio, Barbosa continued his television career with his show Só Tem Tantã, at Channel 13, and other shows like the Piadas do Manduca and PRK-30, at TV-Rio. ~ Alvaro Neder, Rovi