Sokolovsky: The Miller Who Was a Wizard, a Cheat and a Matchmaker

Sokolovsky: The Miller Who Was a Wizard, a Cheat and a Matchmaker

  • 01.05.2017
  • 0 Streams
  • 20 Tracks
  • 52 min 56 sec

More from Sokolovsky: The Miller Who Was a Wizard, a Cheat and a Matchmaker

The Miller Who Was a Wizard, a Cheat and a Matchmaker: Overture


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  • 3:36

The Miller Who Was a Wizard, a Cheat and a Matchmaker, Act I Scene 1: Kak bekhor i nas s polunochi


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  • 2:29

The Miller Who Was a Wizard, a Cheat and a Matchmaker, Act I: Scene


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  • 4:51

The Miller Who Was a Wizard, a Cheat and a Matchmaker, Act I Scene 4: Vot sloyu kakuyu pesnyu


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  • 1:03

The Miller Who Was a Wizard, a Cheat and a Matchmaker, Act I Scene 4: Rasstupis, boda! Rastvopis' mel'nitsa!


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  • 2:43

The Miller Who Was a Wizard, a Cheat and a Matchmaker, Act II: Scene (1)


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  • 0:16

The Miller Who Was a Wizard, a Cheat and a Matchmaker, Act II Scene 1: Kaby ya, mlada, uverena byla


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  • 2:38

The Miller Who Was a Wizard, a Cheat and a Matchmaker, Act II: Scene (2)


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  • 0:31

The Miller Who Was a Wizard, a Cheat and a Matchmaker, Act II Scene 2: Polyu, svetik moy, stydit'sya


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  • 0:42

The Miller Who Was a Wizard, a Cheat and a Matchmaker, Act II Scene 2: Ay! Ay! Ay!


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  • 0:55

The Miller Who Was a Wizard, a Cheat and a Matchmaker, Act II Scene 4: Akh! Na chto zh bola, akh! K chemu zh bola


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  • 2:49

The Miller Who Was a Wizard, a Cheat and a Matchmaker, Act II: Scene


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  • 6:38

The Miller Who Was a Wizard, a Cheat and a Matchmaker, Act II Scene 13: Nasilu ty priyekhal, a ya tebya uzh otchayala


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  • 3:29

The Miller Who Was a Wizard, a Cheat and a Matchmaker, Act III Scene 1: Chto bez buri, bez vikhorya


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  • 2:57

The Miller Who Was a Wizard, a Cheat and a Matchmaker, Act III Scene 1: Vot moya, vot napast'


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  • 2:03

The Miller Who Was a Wizard, a Cheat and a Matchmaker, Act III: Scene (1)


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  • 3:34

The Miller Who Was a Wizard, a Cheat and a Matchmaker, Act III Scene 6: Uzh kak shli starik s starukhoy iz lesochka


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  • 2:18

The Miller Who Was a Wizard, a Cheat and a Matchmaker, Act III: Scene (2)


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  • 0:51

The Miller Who Was a Wizard, a Cheat and a Matchmaker, Act III: Finale


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  • 4:00

Volga ditties (Arr. B. Alexandrov for 2 Voices, Choir & Orchestra)


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  • 4:24

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